
Turner Family Terrors 1-3: The Suburban Slayers Are Back!

Created by Robert Krisch

A new comic starring monster-slaying, foul-mouthed, bumbling adventurers The Turner Family! Think The Simpsons meets Hellboy.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

156% Funded. Stretch Goal 2 within reach. Raised on Elf Quest.
about 2 years ago – Wed, May 25, 2022 at 01:04:06 PM

Hey There.

The TFT Kickstarter is humming along. We're currently sitting at 156% funded. We blasted past our first $4500 stretch goal - supersizing the comic. Up next at $5000 every backer gets a bonus mini-print from our signature Pinup collection. I love revisiting all the stunning Pinup artwork we've commissioned in the series. We're a little over $200 away. Keep spreading the word on the Socials and let's go snag that Stretch Goal.

Got any Elf Quest fans out there?

When I was a kid, it was a steady stream of cable television, little league baseball and comics.  And for a long time my number one go to was Elf Quest - the Marvel run in the mid 80's. I like to think that I was enthralled by the rich storytelling and amazing art by Richard and Wendy Pini. But to be honest it probably had more to do with the half-naked warrior elven princesses.

I still have those Elf Quest comics in my collection, and lately I've been reminded of those innocent times and memorable books by a couple of projects that keep popping up on Kickstarter that I am a huge fan of - Charlie Stickney's White Ash, and Andrew Clemson's Damsell from D.I.S.T.R.E.S.S.  Andrew's book is currently live on Kickstarter and I wanted to give it some love.

Some info from their page:

"Damsel from D.I.S.T.R.E.S.S Issues 1-5!

The Volume 1 finale of the SMASH HIT Elves & Espionage series! D&D meets the man from UNCLE!

Damsel from D.I.S.T.R.E.S.S. is an elves & espionage comic book series written by Andrew Clemson, with art by Mauricio Mora and lettering/Editing by Hassan Otsmane Elhaou.

This campaign is for the final 2 issues (4&5) of Volume 1, wrapping up our first arc and opening up our story to further adventures."

 Damsel issue 1 introduced us to Bec - Abandoned as a child by her adventurer father, and having fought her way up through the ranks of the kingdom's premier espionage agency she has become their top operative. When a Dwarven princess is kidnapped, Bec leaps into action to overcome the ghosts of her family’s past and save the day!"

I just love this cover for issue #5. In fact all the covers for the entire series are gorgeous.

I'm a big fan of this series. It's one of the best out there. Andrew just blew past another Stretch Goal unlocking more preview pages for Issue 4, so head on over and check out this amazing book.

Kickstarter Link Here.


Crashed the Jam-a-palooza!, plus I discovered my new favorite creator - Newton Lilavois.
about 2 years ago – Sun, May 22, 2022 at 06:27:36 PM

Hey There-

Happy weekend!

The TFT 3 Kickstarter is rolling along entering its 3rd week. We're currently sitting at 146% funded, outpacing our last campaign by about a week. Just terrific.

I recently got an opportunity to chat with one of my buds and favorite creators Clay Adams (Currently live on Kickstarter with Pregnant Bitches Of War). Clay hosted a round table Comic Creators Jam-A-Palooza with an all Allstar lineup of talent. I chime in around the 1:27 mark. Check it out here:

Newton Lilavois

I caught up with some old friends and met some new ones. The one thing I love about Kickstarter is I'm constantly being introduced to new books and amazing creators. On the show I met Newton Lilavois and he talked about his book Kisha: Demon Eater Vol.1  . It looks incredible. I immediately backed the book and you should too.

Newton's got a greyscale horror book with flashes of color that immediately resonated with me and reminded me of what I'm trying to do with TFT - live in a classic black and white horror world (influenced by Mel Brook's Young Frankenstein), but also play with color when the opportunity presents itself -  with amazing cover art, stunning color pinups or the occasional Technicolor dream sequence.

When I saw Newton's book it looked very familiar.  I thought I recognized it from a story in the Nightmare Theater 1 Anthology, and lo and behold I was right. Newton's Crescent City Monsters graced the pages of Nightmare Theater and it was cool to chat with this fellow NT alum. A Turner Family Terrors short was featured in NT2, and the 160+ page Anthology is now available as an add-on or a new reward tier in this TFT3 campaign.

Here's more about Newtons's Book from his KS page:

"Ancient African demon king, Kishi, has hundreds of demon sons, but one day he fathers his first and only daughter- Kisha. Kishi distains his daughter. But Demon Kisha seeks the approval of her father, so she starts devouring her demon brothers to gain his attention and love. Angered by her actions, Kishi imprisons Demon Kisha to prevent her from consuming his sons.

Centuries later, sixteen-year-old Louisiana native Kisha Malveaux accidentally releases Demon Kisha from her prison and becomes possessed. Things get worse when she becomes the target of a demon hunter. In desperation, Kisha is sent to an estranged aunt in Kansas who has the power to exorcise Demon Kisha. But when Kisha gets to Kansas, she discovers her aunt's town carries dangerous secrets. Kisha needs Demon Kisha to survive."

The story had me hooked, the art had me sold. Plus Newton's a cool dude. Go pick up his book Kisha: Demon Eater Vol.1 and support this talented creator.

Kickstarter Link here.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Special Comics Livestream Tonight. And another bonus book courtesy of House of Fear's James Powell!
about 2 years ago – Fri, May 20, 2022 at 08:55:34 PM

Hey There-

I'm talking with other comic writers and live-streaming it tonight (Thursday, May 19th) at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific. We'll be discussing our various books currently on Kickstarter.

Definitely check this one out! Some of my favorites creators are  chiming in tonight.

Click here to join us (or watch the replay).

I'll be chatting with writers David Schrader (Cannibals on Mars), Clay Adams (PBOW), ,Moana McAdams (Color with Nakoa and Nohea), Newton Lilavois (KISHA: Demon Eater), and Jame Powell (House of Fear)

Speaking of James Powell...

I've got another sinful treat you can sink your TEETH into. 

It's a bonus book from James Powell's Family-friendly Horror Series House of Fear, currently Live on Kickstarter. This one's titled, yes, Teeth!, and it's creepy and fun and headed your way now. Thank James for so generously contributing it to our campaign. Check our next Backer only Update for exclusive access. Go read the book then head over to his Kickstarter.  I picked up both Volumes, plus the bonus floppy (300+ pages) for around $60. Insane value. I'm going to love it but, more importantly, my son is going to love it as well.

It's easy to see the common influences between both House of Fear and Turner Family Terrors. James and I both have deep appreciation for the classic horror anthologies of the 50's and 60's - Creepy, Eerie and Tales from the Crypt.  Each House of Fear one shot has a ghoulish Crypt Keeper inspired MC introducing the tale. And Turner Family Terrors takes a nod from the lush black and white illustrations of the masters like Kirby and Ditko. 

I will admit I have a unique Kickstarter experience when I back House of Fear. I get my comic in the mail wrapped in its bag and board. I'm pretty good about taking care of my comics, read them, then throw them back in their bag for safekeeping. But with House of Fear I kinda have to let go and be zen about my comics condition, because I hand the book over to my son and all bets are off. I usually get it back with a ding here or there. And anything I hand my younger daughter, well, I can expect a tear or two with the pages.  I kinda cringe a bit, but then I'm reminded of how my love comics started and what it's really about - not the condition of a book, but rather the stories and places that book takes you. My love of comics started when I was a kid reading a floppy, crumbling it up in my back pocket, hopping on my bike and heading to the little league field to play ball. And always when I get my new House of Fear I get nostalgic as I am transported back to my youth. It's a lot of fun.

James needs one final push to get over the finish line, so head over now and back this fine creator today.

And check the next update for your backer only bonus book!

rob and the TFT team

House of Fear Bonus Book **Backers Only Access**
about 2 years ago – Thu, May 19, 2022 at 07:45:58 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Fantastic First Week of TFT3! Launching Nightmare Theater Appreciation Week!
about 2 years ago – Tue, May 17, 2022 at 06:51:31 PM

Hey There-

Our TFT Kickstarter Week One is in the books and damn, it was intense!  

We started the week with our most backed day one ever. We made Kicktraq's HotList on multiple occasions. I went on a couple of Pods - JD Oliva's Parallel Worlds, and Kevin Joseph / Will Allred's Explain Yourself, to promote the book. Oh, and we hit our minimum funding target in only 72 hours! Incredible.

Thank you so much for the support and enthusiasm you've shown the book.  TFT Issue #3 is bonkers. My favorite issue of the series so far. You're gonna love it.

I think the most fun of launching a Kickstarter is reconnecting with fans and former backers, but also supporting fellow creators and friends with their current projects and Live Kickstarters. A few of these talented artists and writers I met during our collaboration on the Horror Anthology - Nightmare Theater 2. Not so subtle segue into...

 It's Nightmare Theater Appreciation Week here at TFT! 

Nightmare Theater 2 - Emanuele Taglietti's cover

NIGHTMARE THEATER is a Horror anthology collecting stories by some of the best in indie comics.  Tales inspired by horror cinema--from Poe to Alien, ghosts and ghouls, slasher films, tales of terror, B-Movie scream fests, monster movies, Stephen King creepiness, stylized Kubrick hauntings, Romero zombies, demon possession, occult, and otherwise.

This week we're highlighting some of the projects currently running by a few contributors, while also promoting our own TFT Team members who've contributed as well. 

And not to bury the lead - Every backer to this TFT campaign will get a Nightmare Theater sampler pdf to add to your collection of bonus books!

The Creators and Contributors.

Nightmare Theater is published by Bloodline Comics, helmed by David Schrader (Cannibals on Mars) and Clay Adams (Deadskins, PBOW). David Schrader is a writer/filmmaker and sometimes reluctant actor with a background in stand-up, sketch, improv, and alternative comedy. Schrader’s first comic book work, Baby Badass, published in 2018, quickly became a cult hit, and currently Dave is Live with Cannibals on Mars - A Sci-Fi Horror One Shot Comic.  They've reached their 150 Milestone bonus, so every backer gets an extra pinup by Don Nguyen (another NT alum). I'm a huge fan of both Dave and Don's work. Make sure to hit their campaign and show them some love. 

Clay Adams is back on Kickstarter with PBOW: World War Bitch 1-3 Grindhouse Action 4 Mature Readers. PBOW? hmm... wondering what that stands for? Pregnant Bitches of War!  And as Bryan K. Vaughan so wisely said, it is a "comic as audacious as its title." This comic is my number one guilty pleasure on Kickstarter. Make sure to back this baby.  (you'll be hearing more from me on Clay real soon, as his twisted sense of humor has proven to be a big inspiration to my work.)

And here's something for the kiddos...

I love it when James Powell comes out with a new House of Fear collection. This is Goosebumps meets Tales from the Crypt, and I'm all over it.  This time around we have House of Fear: Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow and Other Scary Stories. A 176 page Volume 2 of the series. But, not gonna lie, I picked up Volume 1 as well. So for around 60 bucks I nabbed 300+ pages of kid friendly horror. Sweet. I'm gonna love it, but more importantly my son's gonna love it too. Go pick up your copy here. (gonna take a deeper dive on James' work later this week, keep an eye out for that.)

Nightmare Theater and the TFT Team!

Nicole is a writer and editor whose credits include work with Tapas Media, Screen Rant, CBR, Comic Frontline and Action Lab Entertainment where she helped adapt Miraculous Ladybug.  Also her comic Road Trip to Hell is rad.

Nicole has rocked the edits on TFT since coming on board with Issue #2.  And including our Nightmare Theater 2 short, she has worked with me on four of my five comics. I consider myself incredibly lucky I met Nicole. She's so damn smart and creative... and just a lovely, sweet person. Which is why I was a little shocked when I read her short story "The Kill Boat" in Nightmare Theater 1.  Man, that's some messed up shit right there. Nicole continues to kill it, editing a ton comics out there both independent and main stream.  She's good people.

Last year when I read Nightmare Theater 1, I read a little story called 'Ahead of Joaquin' and I remember thinking "damn, I love this art. I gotta work with this guy." Later that week my Kickstarter rewards arrived for the book Mandrill PI, a comic I just adore, written by my buddy Christopher Brimmage. When I read that book I remember thinking "damn, I love this art. I gotta work with this guy." It was not until about a week later that I realized they were both drawn by the same dude - Carlos Trigo.

Carlos just finished a mini series for Scout, and is working on a web series for Webtoons. Things are a little hush hush on those, but big announcements soon for this amazing artist.

For his Variant I wanted to do a mashup of two of my favorite Movie posters - The classic Star Wars poster with a brooding Darth Vader in the background; as well as National Lampoon's Vacation. But instead of  Chevy Chase holding his tennis racket high to the sky, our Laura Turner has her scimitar raised with a cowering Bob Turner clutching her leg.

While reading Nightmare Theater 1 it was hard to miss Kyle Roberts work, as his stunning art graced the cover of the trade. When Clay Adam's dropped The Blazing Blade of Frankenstein (now available on IndieGOGO) there was a certain pinup that caught my eye - The Empress.  My imagination kinda ran wild with this idea for an Art Nouveau Variant Cover for TFT.  Kyle took that idea and elevated it to an insane level and colorist Wes Hartman just crushed it.  You can find Kyle on Instagram at @kyleroberts_art

Thanks to the fine folks at Bloodline Comics, we have a few copies of the Nightmare Theater 2 trade paperback available as both 'Add-Ons' (You can go into your Reward selection and adjust your order to add the paperback). We also have a new tier with NT2 and 3 issues of TFT - the entire TFT story in print! Here is that Reward Tier. You can upgrade your order if you'd like.

Thanks for indulging me on this longer than usual Update. We'll keep these mostly brief, but it's fun every now and then to take a deeper dive and share some amazing work.

Thx so much.
