
Turner Family Terrors 1-3: The Suburban Slayers Are Back!

Created by Robert Krisch

A new comic starring monster-slaying, foul-mouthed, bumbling adventurers The Turner Family! Think The Simpsons meets Hellboy.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Book Signing Tomorrow Saturday 1/28 2-5pm at Pulp Fiction Comics, Culver City! Come on out!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 12:48:09 PM

Hey There! 

If you are around Culver City tomorrow Sat. 1/28 from 2-5pm make sure to stop by Pulp Fiction Comics (4328 Sepulveda Blvd, Culver City, CA 90230). I'll be signing the latest issue of Turner Family Terrors, plus I'll have the entire collection on hand if you need to get caught up on the series, or are looking for that rare variant cover. I'd love to see you and put some faces to those amazing Kickstarter backer names I keep seeing.

This will be my first signing (Woohoo!), but yes, I am a little nervous - not quite sure what to expect. It might be a love fest, shaking hands, kissing babies and talking indie comics. Or I might be twiddling my thumbs for 3 hours (questioning my life choices). Help make it the former and swing by Pulp Fiction Culver City from 2-5pm (4328 Sepulveda Blvd, Culver City, CA 90230). Hope to see you there!


Fulfillment is 99% complete and boy that skunk was stoked.
over 1 year ago – Sun, Jan 01, 2023 at 10:20:10 AM


I hope you're having a great holiday season and are staring at an eventful New Years Eve. Here at the Krisch house we skipped the big winter vacation and have been doing a whole lot of nothing, and it's been glorious. Well, I shouldn't say nothing. There was that whole bagging and boarding hundreds of comic books and shipping them out!

This year I even had Santa's little helper lend a hand delivering books to a few lucky TFT superfans.

This is probably the most fun and rewarding part of the process - reconnecting with friends and fans and sharing with them the latest TFT, the product of over a years worth of creativity, passion and hard work. Plus it's always fun to remind them "For the love of Christ, don't read this to your little kids!" 

But one enthusiastic fan got a little too eager for his copy of the comic. Meet Mr. Skunk, the latest convert to Turner Family Terrors.  This guy started following me around the neighborhood and, needless to say, I was a freaked out. But we had a good chat and I promised to illustrate him in the next issue of TFT, so he didn't spray my ass and now we're best buds.

Hopefully you have received your books. If not, you should be getting them shortly. As we stand now, we are roughly 99% done with fulfillment.  We have a few loose ends to tie up - a couple more packages to get out, four Nightmare Theater 2 anthologies to ship once I get them, and a behind the scenes video short to complete. But we are getting close to putting a bow on this campaign. Woo-Hoo.

Let me know what you think of Issue 3! Write me back or send me a pic of you with your TFT collection. Thanks again for your enthusiasm, support, patience and luv. I couldn't do any of this without our amazing backers!

Have a Great New Years!

rob and the tft team

The books have arrived - Yay! But unfortunately...
over 1 year ago – Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 05:25:23 PM

Got some news for you - the good, the bad and the beautiful. 

The books have arrived - Yay!... but unfortunately they were printed on the wrong paper. It stinks and more than a bit anticlimactic as I had a nice collaboration with our printer to try out some different interior stocks. We landed on a silky smooth paper, and our proofs looked gorgeous (always get a proof, get 2 proofs if you are paranoid like me). Unfortunately the books that arrived were not silky smooth. Anyway, the printer has cited human error, they're reprinting and telling me I'll get TFT3 by next Friday. So I'm still optimistic I can get them to you before the holiday season wraps up. So far we've dealt with paper stock shortages, faulty machines, hurricanes being hurricanes, and now human error.  But it looks like the books will be arriving soon, then headed your way. Thanks again for your patience on this one. I'll make sure to put some extra goodies in everyone's package (sorry, that sounded a little dirty).

And while we are waiting for our books, why don't we take a look at some fresh art coming in.  Here's a sneak peek at a pinup I commissioned from local artist Christie Shinn, of our lovable princess of darkness little Sophia.

I first came across Christie's work in the epic Nightmare Theater Anthology. She's got a unique voice: bold, unapologetic, profane and beautiful. I was psyched to get her take on TFT and contribution to our ever expanding pinup gallery. 

Have a great weekend, happy holidays and I'll keep you posted as our reprints come rolling in.


Turner Family Terrors Issue #3 is ALIVE! ...check your inbox
over 1 year ago – Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 03:45:46 AM

Hey Amazing Backer.

Got some exciting news. - Turner Family Terrors Issue #3 is officially out in the world!  

Check your inbox for a Kickstarter email from moi, with links to the TFT3 Deluxe Digital pdf (I hope you enjoy the extras I threw in there).  I also included a link to an 8 page pdf Sneak Peek of TFT4 - out this Spring on Kickstarter.  Issue 3 ends on a massive cliffhanger so I thought I'd be nice and include a preview of Issue four to relieve the tension and get you pumped for our next chapter (the epic conclusion to our first story arc!).

With these two pdfs we have officially fulfilled the Digital Rewards for the TFT3 Kickstarter.  (The first wave of digital Rewards was sent to your inbox on Aug 27.) I've also updated our website's Wall of Fame to include our Kickstarter backer's names and Cameo Illustrations. 

So whats next? ...physical rewards are on the way!

The printing world is a little volatile right now with the various paper shortages and the occasional hurricane wreaking havoc. So things are a tad delayed, but I think we are in a good spot. I received the first round of proofs recently and they looked beautiful. But they weren't perfect, and that's what we're going for.  So we made some tweaks and the second round of proofs arrive at my house this Saturday.  I hope to sign off on the books by Monday morning and get these babies rolling off the presses and headed your way.

And finally, my TFT haircut...

We like to have as much fun with our TFT Kickstarters as possible.  But what I've discovered recently is no one is having more fun with this shit than my seven year old daughter.  Once again we had a sadistic backer choose our Haircut tier, and my daughter has fully embraced this annual tradition. We gave her the clippers this time around, and lets just say she's a big fan.  She went with the buzzcut... next year she says she's using the razor for a cueball job.  I'm scared.

Thanks again for your support!  Check your inbox and let us know what you think of issue #3.

We hope you enjoy the dick jokes and spit takes.

rob and tft team

Final 2 hours to back the Concrete Arcanum Kickstarter... featuring a TFT short. We need your help.
over 1 year ago – Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 04:31:40 PM

Hey There!

There's only two hours left to back the Concrete Arcanum Kickstarter... featuring a TFT short. We are currently at 299 backers and 92% funded. As you already know, it's all or nothing on Kickstarter so we still have some work to do over the next 2 hours to make this book a reality. Concrete Arcanum is a 120+ page Urban Fantasy Anthology with stories from over 30 of the most creative minds in the indie comic world. I love the stories in this book and I know you will too.  Head over and help us finish strong and cross that finish line!

And a here's a quick update about Turner Family Terrors issue #3.

The proofs are in and they look stunning.

We have a few tweaks to our interior pages but I should get the final versions delivered in the next couple weeks. Then they are headed your way! Woohoo!

Thanks again for everything and please consider backing Concrete Arcanum (2 hours left - yikes!). With your help we can make this passion project come to life.

rob and the tft team