Turner Family Terrors 1-3: The Suburban Slayers Are Back!
Created by Robert Krisch
A new comic starring monster-slaying, foul-mouthed, bumbling adventurers The Turner Family! Think The Simpsons meets Hellboy.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
I was a guest on Blake's Buzz Live. Met some cool dudes - Charlie McElvy and Chris Moses. Plus Stretch Goal #3 slayed!
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Jun 03, 2022 at 05:09:17 PM
Hey There.
Stretch Goal #3 slayed.
We smashed our third stretch goal last night, so every backer will receive the Digital Copy and! Audio Book of SPIDER SEASON, the award winning short story collection from master of Horror Billy Hanson. SWEET!
Next up at 6K is a 4 page preview of Issue #4 of Turner Family Terrors. If we hit this mark, you guys won't have to wait months to find out what happens after our crazy Issue #3 cliff hanger. You'll get a glimpse immediately - now that's a whole lot more satisfying, isn't it.
Blake's Buzz Live!
I went on Blake's Buzz Live! last night and it was like 2 1/2 hours of pure laughter. So much fun. I give my TFT pitch @ :33 , talk Nightmare Theater 2 @ 1:47, and @ 1:29 I pontificate all sentimental like on the positive vibes of the Kickstarter Community. Take a look.
Charlie McElvy and Chris Moses
I got to meet Charlie and Chris who are two cool dudes producing some rad work. I am backers of both projects and you should be too. You can hear all about their comics on the show.
Charlie's back with Spider-Squirrel & Trash Panda #1-3 (Complete Volume One!). He's got an infectious enthusiasm about his comic and I soon found out while talking with him that he was also on American Ninja Warrior! Makes sense. You can see all that fantastic parkour action throughout the pages of his book.
Here's some info from his page:
"Spider-Squirrel is an entertaining, fun, riotously hilarious, generally humorous, sometimes silly* buddy-cop super-hero action in the vein of Blue Beetle & Booster Gold, or Justice League International during the "BWAHAHA" years. I am pretty darn certain that you might actually kinda sorta maybe like this book a little bit, mostly."
I noticed this stunning Star Wars Homage as well.
Great minds think alike because the same classic Star Wars poster influenced the Turner Family Terrors 'Cthulhu Attacks' Variant drawn by Scout Comics Carlos Trigo.
On Blake's Buzz we talked about how each of our comics has a unique genre, sense of pacing and subject matter. For Chris and The Saturn Effect: Alpha Vol. 1, the artwork is stunning and his story tends to weave a political undercurrent that is pulled from our own headlines. It's great stuff.
Here's some info from his page:
"Earth's control over the solar system is threatened as ragtag rebels and disenfranchised soldiers struggle for freedom when Star Wars meets The Expanse in THESATURNEFFECT! Follow stellar siblings Alpha and Centauri as they try to free the Titan Colonies from the Earth Empire in Volume One of The Saturn Effect: Alpha!
"The Saturn Effect is a growing connected sci-fi universe and webcomic created by Chris Moses featuring multiple artists on different characters (find more at thesaturneffect.com). This sci-fi universe focuses on complex character motivations, sublime visions of the future, and a rich history-filled universe waiting to be discovered!"
Bonus 'Art Nouveau' Mini Print for all backers of both TFT and Savage Sasquanaut
over 2 years ago
– Tue, May 31, 2022 at 10:40:39 PM
Hey There!
Got another treat for ya. Grab a Bonus 'Art Nouveau' Mini Print for all backers of both TFT and Savage Sasquanaut
I hope you had a nice Memorial Day Weekend. I throttled it back just a bit from the Kickstarter to spend some quality time with the Fam. It was a needed break as I recharged and am ready to tackle these final 9 days of our Kickstarter.
I received a great compliment from my wife on Saturday. She saw a printout of our TFT3 'Art Nouveau' Variant Cover and wants to frame it and display it in the living room. Usually we keep the comic book art for the walls of my office, but she said it was beautiful and wants to hang it up. Well, my wife apparently has impeccable timing, because today we launch our Turner Family Terrors & Savage Sasquanaut Crossover Event! Backers of both Kickstarters will receive a bonus 5x7 mini-print of the stunning Variant cover illustrated by Kyle Roberts and Colored by Wes Hartman! writer/creator/colorist of the Savage Sasquanaut! (Physical print for physical backers. Digital backers will receive Hi_def Wallpaper)
Art Nouveau Variant colored by Wes Hartman
Colorist and all around Great Dude Wes Hartman
I met Wes this past year, he's another San Antonio guy (my home town), and he's one talented dude. In addition to being a fantastic colorist, he's the writer/creator of The Savage Sasquanaut. Here's some info from the page:
Sasquanaut was captured and became a victim of the 1960s space race due to a NASA experiment gone wrong. Because of the experiment, he finds himself transported across the universe and in a heap of trouble.
Fortunately, as he travels across the galaxy and encounters strange new worlds and civilizations, he finds a new life and a new purpose and boldly goes where no Bigfoot has gone before (or since).
This book is right up your alley if you are a fan of STAR TREK, FIREFLY, FARSCAPE, TMNT, and BUCK ROGERS. Can you imagine Jack Burton from BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA replacing Luke Skywalker in STAR WARS and realize how much better that would be?
If you can, you may have an idea of what you're going to get from the SAVAGE SASQUANAUT!
People who love Star Wars, Star Trek, Firefly, and Farscape.
Fans of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Fans of Big Trouble in Little China (Bigfoot is Jack Burton!)
Bigfoot enthusiasts.
Fans of action, humor, and stunning artwork!
Collectors of high-quality, independent comic books from a long-time industry veteran and a phenomenal brand new talent.
People who love to read incredible stories about larger-than-life characters.
Here's some preview pages:
Today is day one for the Savage Sasquanaut Campaign and Wes has some sweet Early Bird Rewards (24 hours only) for his fans including a free poker chip, so head on over. Its Bigfoot lost in space. Enjoy this humorous & sensational adventure of aliens, betrayal, spaceships, empires, & arm wrestling! Backers of both campaigns will receive the bonus 'Art Nouveau' Variant Cover TFT mini print!
And thanks for sharing the Turner Family Terrors Kickstarter on the socials, it's helping a lot. Go give us a shout out today, and help us with some much needed juice as we head into the final week of our campaign.
Stretch Goal 3 Announced. Nightmare Theater 2 available as an Add-on. Plus PBOW by Clay Adams!
over 2 years ago
– Sat, May 28, 2022 at 03:53:26 PM
Hey There.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
I'm gonna throttle it back from the Kickstarter this weekend and enjoy some time with the Fam. I hope to refresh and get ready for what is always a rollercoaster final 2 weeks of any Kickstarter. Currently we're sitting at 172% funded. We've got more funding and more backers than any prior campaign and we just announced Stretch Goal #3 - the Spider Season Audio Book and PDF from master of horror Billy Hanson (if we crack $5500). Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
Nightmare Theater 2 Available As An Add-on.
We just added the Nightmare Theater 2 Horror Anthology to the Add-ons store for this Kickstarter. You can go there and add this physical 160+ page Horror Anthology to your rewards ($39). Or we've created its own tier where you can collect every TFT story in Print. It was such fun collaborating with editors David Schrader and Clay Adams on this cinematic Creepshow, and I've got some cool news courtesy of Clay himself.
I scored you another bonus book - PBOW#1.
I recently talked about my new favorite creator Newton Lilavois. This time around I wanted to highlight the OG - my favorite comic book creator out there - Clay Adams.
Clay Adams is back on Kickstarter with PBOW: World War Bitch 1-3 Grindhouse Action 4 Mature Readers. PBOW? hmm... wondering what that stands for? Pregnant Bitches of War! And as Bryan K. Vaughan so wisely said, it is a "comic as audacious as its title." This comic is my number one guilty pleasure on Kickstarter.
Last time around I snagged this hilarious James Bond inspired Variant Cover.
And this time there are some awesome covers as well, including this Kaiju Werewolf!
And this gorgeous Variant as well.
Here's the write up from the Kickstarter Page:
"PBOW (that's short for, uh, Pregnant Bitches of War) launched in 2013 and quickly became a cult hit, selling through our website, comiXology, and Amazon. A crazy mix of over-the-top horror, sci-fi, grindhouse, and dark humor, it was a roller-coaster ride exploring a dark future where six pregnant women squared off against... well, Dad.
Here's the pitch:
"Six pregnant women go back in time and accidentally kill a young Hitler -- unleashing a nightmare future! Now with mad scientist Nikola Tesla acting as Charlie to their Angels, they must save the world from the evil Exalted Father... before their water breaks!"
Think of it as The Handmaid's Tale meets Kill Bill.
And if you thought Volume One was nuts... you ain't seen nothin' yet.
Who's This Series For, Anyway?
- Fans of Quentin Tarantino movies
- Fans of grindhouse cinema
- Fans of RED XMAS from Scout Comics (obviously)"
Here's some pages from the comic:
I'm a big fan of Clay's work.
When I started writing Turner Family Terrors, I gave my imagination the freedom to run wild and pull no punches. When I finished the book, my wife read the proof and mentioned one particular gag. She said,"oh, you left that bit in?" It pushed the boundaries and was a little out there, but I thought it was funny so I kept it in. But that moment was the first and only time I doubted myself - was I going too far with the humor?
Luckily for me, that same week I discovered Clay Adams and Fried Comics. To put it simply - Clay is just funny. Whenever I pick up a new Fried comic, whether its Deadskins, or Red Xmas, or PBOW, I always laugh. The characters are bold and scrappy. The stories exciting. I'm always entertained. (And I've only been truly offended once!)
Well, as soon as I discovered Clay and Fried Comics I realized I was not crossing any comedic boundaries, in fact I could actually push harder, continuing to ride that inappropriate line of humor as I wrote stories of our lovably dysfunctional Turner family.
Thanks to Clay and his collaborators, they have generously offered up a copy of PBOW #1 for you guys to read. I will attach it to a Backers Only Update I'll post right now. Check it out, then head over to his Kickstarter for the current installment of PBOW and show Clay some love.
over 2 years ago
– Sat, May 28, 2022 at 09:55:00 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
Stretch Goal 2 Within Reach. Little League Season Over. Tart is back!
over 2 years ago
– Thu, May 26, 2022 at 11:32:01 AM
Hey There.
We just crossed the halfway mark of our campaign - we're sitting at 157% funded, we're closing in on the most backers ever to a TFT Kickstarter, and our Stretch Goal #2 is only $200 away. We're feeling good here at the TFT headquarters.
Life just became a whole hell of a lot easier for me as my son's Little League Season ended. It was a wonderful season, full of developmental progress and life lessons learned. But damn that last week was intense. We advanced to the Semifinals in dramatic fashion, during practice my son was hit in the eyebrow with a ball and received 2 stitches (he's okay now), we lost our penultimate game by one run, and by some strange turn of events, I was thrust into the Head Coaching position on the final game of the season. I mean I love a good bit of drama, but c'mon. Unfortunately (or fortunately) we lost our game and did not advance in the playoffs, but there were no tears. I think everyone was just about done with baseball and ready for a little relaxation.
I know I am - a nice relaxing final 2 weeks of this ROLLERCOASTER OF A KICKSTARTER!
Tart is back!
Two weeks ago I met Kevin Joseph, writer/creator of the hit Scout Comic Tart. I was a guest on his Podcast 'Explain Yourself' If you'd like to hear the pod click here. I hop on around the 26 minute mark. It was great to meet Kevin and talk comics with a bunch of talented creators. Kevin even hooked me up with a few back issues of Tart. I kinda feel like this whole TFT3 Kickstarter campaign has been a success because I scored these back issues and am now caught up with his series. I'm a big fan. You should check it out. Kevin just launched another issue of Tart on Kickstarter and the early birds last 23 more hours. Head on over.
Here's some info from the page:
Tart: Submerged Hardcover Collection
Collecting the Submerged arc of Tart in an elegant hardcover fit for your home library.
Time traveling demon hunters in the world's most haunted waterway. What could possibly go wrong?
During World War II there was a naval battle between US and Japanese forces in an area called Truk Lagoon (sometimes spelled Chuuk Lagoon). The battle was intense and many sailors and pilots from both sides lost their lives over the course of those few days.
The sea is littered with the remnants of that battle. And if you believe the stories, something else. Supernatural occurrences that cannot be explained.
Kevin's got some catch up tiers he's offering and a beautiful Hardcover that I just picked up with the Early Birds. They last less than a day so grab those discounts and dive into Tart: Submerged.