
Turner Family Terrors 1-3: The Suburban Slayers Are Back!

Created by Robert Krisch

A new comic starring monster-slaying, foul-mouthed, bumbling adventurers The Turner Family! Think The Simpsons meets Hellboy.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Books are being printed!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Oct 01, 2022 at 04:45:40 PM

Happy Saturday-

Got some exciting news - Turner Family Terrors Issue #3 has officially hit the presses.  The files have been sent and in a few days I will receive a physical proof of the comic - 5 proofs to be exact. The fine folks over at Comix Well Spring walked me through a few different options and I am going to test out some new paper upgrades as well as some funky choices like Halo-chrome covers and cream interior paper. I'll update you with some pics next week.

This is the exciting time in the printing process where the proofs are on the way. Soon I'll have my books in hand and make some final tweaks if necessary. Then I'll give the order to print the entire run. That's when things get nerve wracking. Soon after, a bunch of big ass boxes will arrive at my house. I'll crack them open and pray to God each book is correct. I'm still hoping to meet my October deadline to get them in your hands. I'll keep you posted.

So what else is new with TFT?

1. With the fulfillment of this TFT3 Kickstarter, we officially sold out of the first run printing of TFT#1. Hopefully you grabbed a collectors copy of TFT#1...#1. Now it's on to our second run printing. This time around I sent the book to our awesome editor Nicole D'Andria to take a crack at any revisions. Nicole jumped on board the TFT train with issue #2, so it was fun to have her get her hands on issue #1 and help make the entire series even more cohesive.

2. Artist Ske Bozic just finished pages 19-25 for TFT Issue #4 (out next Spring). We have five more pages to complete. This upcoming issue will be the final chapter of Volume #1. It's been an incredible creative journey. Three years ago I started workshopping TFT,  I met artist Ske Bozic, and we started cranking out pages. Apparently a world wide pandemic couldn't stop us, and so far we've completed 104 pages... five more to go.  Here's the art for TFT #4 page 24 (hopefully it's not too spoilery):

3. Finally, I've got an update on the Urban Fantasy Anthology Concrete Arcanum live on Kickstarter (featuring a TFT short). After week one we are sitting at 52% funded with 199 backers - a pretty strong first week.  Who wants to be backer number 200? It was honor to contribute to the anthology and a thrill to find a home for one of my twisted TFT short stories. Make sure to head over and back that baby. The book looks incredible.  Here's a sneak peek at page one of the TFT short 'Beach Day'. 

Have a great weekend and I'll post some pics soon as the books start coming in.

Rob and the TFT Team


And here's what I'm currently backing during this epic month on Kickstarter.


Clay Adams, Creator and Writer of Blazing Blade of Frankenstein, Red XMAS, PBOW, Electric Youth and more is back with a 48 page Lovecraftian horror one-shot drawn by Mick Beyers (WHITE ASH, ROYO CHEEKS) with colors by Julio Rojas.

In Dreamquest, Margo Carter goes Beyond the Wall of Sleep to rescue her great-uncle Randolph, but the monster Nyarlathotep stands in her way. Clay Adams is a stand up dude, plus he is the letterer for the TFT short in the Concrete Arcanum Anthology. So I was lucky enough to work with him and pick his brain about all things comics. I never miss a Clay Adams book. You shouldn't either. Get it here.


I love me some Monster Matador - it definitely features some of my favorite art of all the comics I buy. Which is another reason why I was so stoked to work with colorist Alex Zief on TFT Beach Day, featured in the Concrete Arcanum anthology (are you seeing a pattern here).

Monster Matador is a delightfully demented Kaiju throw-down that follows Matador Ramon Alejandro Estévez Guerrero as he travels a post-apolcalyptic future to fight monsters and make a better world for his daughter.

Written by Steven Prince (NIGHTMARE THEATRE), drawn by RINGO AWARD NOMINEE Fabio Alves (BANJAX, THE JUMP), and colored by Alex Zief (CULT OF DRACULA), Monster Matador has funded four Kickstarters thanks to their backers and fans and has become an indie comic hit! Go pick up a copy of this massive Volume 1.


My buddy Rob Multari is back with Snow Paw issue 2 and I picked up this little beauty on day one. Here's the skinny on this spinoff of Rob's Nightwolf series.

Cirilla (Cirray) MacKinlay is a strong-willed farm girl, born and raised in the Scottish Highlands during the 19th century, who dreams about a life of adventure. Upon discovering her Pureblood Monoki werewolf lineage, Cirray’s eyes are opened for the first time to the existence of Supernatural beings and creatures of Fantasy. With the aid of Silver Mane, a fellow Pureblood Monoki, Cirray must find her place in the world while training to master her lycanthropy in order to battle the Dark Covenant of the European region, led by the malevolent Mongrel Monoki, Grim Fang.

Cirray MacKinlay is Snow Paw!

Take a sec to check out all these books and give them some love...


TFT3 Digital Rewards have been sent. Plus the new TFT Short 'Beach Day' drops in 2 weeks.
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 01:57:21 AM

Hey There.

The first wave of Turner Family Terrors #1-3 Digital Rewards have been sent out. Check your email inbox for a direct Kickstarter email from me with links to your rewards. You can also log into Kickstarter and check your message inbox to see my email with the links.

I was sitting on around 95% of the digital rewards so I thought I'd get them to you pronto. We still have 2 pdfs that need to be finalized - the TFT Issue #3 pdf and the TFT issue #4 sneak peek. Those will be finished in October and the final wave of Digital Rewards will be sent then. Also we're still on track to have all comics printed and shipped by October, maybe the first couple weeks of November. I'll keep you posted.

In other exciting news, check this out!

Beach Day Page 1 (no text)

I was recently invited to contribute a TFT short to the new Urban Fantasy Anthology Concrete Arcanum. While artist Ske Bozic is hard at work drawing TFT issue #4, I was able to assemble a stellar team to help with this new project. On board are illustrator Kyle Roberts, colorist Alex Zief, Letterer Clay Adams, and Editor Nicole D'Andria. I was thrilled to be able to work with these talented folks.

Concrete Arcanum is a 120 page anthology of modern fantasy/supernatural short comics stories, ranging from the hilarious to the heart breaking. Concrete Arcanum is here to answer the question, "What would happen if magic were to step out from the shadows?"  Also contributing stories are Ben Templesmith, Russell Nohelty, Travis Gibb, Christopher Brimmage, Sarah Cooke, and more. 

If you are looking for another project to back now, take look at Concrete Arcanum the new Urban Fantasy Anthology launching Sept 12th - featuring the Turner Family Terrors short ‘Beach Day’.

You can sign up to be notified about the upcoming Kickstarter here:

thanks so much, check your inbox for your digital rewards and talk soon,

The TFT Team - Rob, Ske, Chris, Nicole... and now Kyle, Alex, and Clay.

81% of Backerkit surveys complete. Please fill yours out. They lock in one week!
about 2 years ago – Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 09:26:59 PM

Happy Saturday!

It's been a busy couple of weeks,  a lot to report, so let's do it!

Backerkit Surveys Lock Next Friday!

81% of our awesome backers have filled out their Backerkit surveys. That leaves 37 folks still to go. I'm locking those bad boys next Friday, so you have one week left to fill them out. Please hurry so I can get your correct credit in the book and confirm your address.  If you haven't filled out your survey yet, check your inbox for a Backerkit email. 

Update on TFT Issue #3

After next Friday we will be finalizing our Special Thanks page and sending our Cameo Illustrations to artist Ske Bozic to draw. Editor Nicole D'Andria and I will be going over the book one last time to lock down the copy.  Once we receive our Cameo Illustrations back from Serbia, this baby is headed to the printer. 

Speaking of Cameos. This time around we have one Zombie, two Zombie victims and one... Firefighter? Not quite sure where he's gonna go, but we'll find some place to slam him in. I guess we'll have to torch a building somewhere.

Another Turner Family Terrors Short Coming in September!

A Turner Family Terrors short comic will be featured in the upcoming Urban Fantasy Anthology Concrete Arcanum. This book has an all-star lineup of creators including Ben Templesmith, Christopher Brimmage, Russel Nohelty, Nathan Lueth and many more.  

I'm psyched but this might be the most challenging TFT creation to date. What's the challenge with this one? - Keep it PG - no profanity, no gore, and produce it in color.  Pretty much everything that TFT is NOT. But our creative team is up to the challenge and our story is just as weird as ever... and hopefully good for a few laughs. Plus with Kyle Roberts illustrating the pages, the monsters will be epic. Stoked about this short! More on this to come.

Make sure to fill out your Backerkit surveys.

talk soon!

rob and the TFT team

Surveys are out. Last chance for Cameos and Sasquanuat. First chance for Mandrill PI, now live on Kickstarter.
about 2 years ago – Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 09:27:30 PM

Hey There!

Happy early July 4th to everyone and Happy Birthday to me! Love seeing all the well wishes from everyone online.  You guys rock.

I'll try and make this Update quick.

 The Backerkit surveys have been sent.  Last chance for Cameos...

Keep an eye out for those Backerkit surveys and send them back as soon as possible. The comic has already been illustrated but we need to wrap up our Special Thanks page before we lock this baby and send it to the printers. We are also illustrating our Cameo backers into the book as I write this. If you are interested in being a background character in the comic we have one last opportunity for ya. We have spots for backers drinking at a bar, like Jason and Arlene here... 

And we some fun new spots in Issue four including a few poor souls being eaten and chased by zombies.

Or if you have a crazy ass idea of how we should throw in the TFT Universe, let us know and we'll make it happen (within reason - Ha!) You can select this Cameo Illustration Add-On when you fill out the Backerkit survey.

Sasquanaut Ending, Mandrill PI starting!

Today's the last day (last four hours) of our Turner Family Terrors & Savage Sasquanaut Crossover Event! Backers of both Kickstarters will receive a bonus 5x7 mini-print of the stunning Variant cover illustrated by Kyle Roberts and Colored by Wes Hartman! writer/creator/colorist of the Savage Sasquanaut!  (Physical print for physical backers. Digital backers will receive Hi-def Wallpaper)

Only Fours left, go, go, go.

And this one is a special little Birthday treat for myself - Mandrill PI is back!

My buddy Christopher Brimmage is back with  MANDRILL P.I. Vol 1: A noir novel for cartoon lovers .

A hardboiled P.I. investigates an outbreak of were-creatures. Will he stop it in time? Or will the beasts devour everyone in the city?

Here's some info from the page:

"A hardboiled, hard-drinking private detective in a cartoon city must stop a beast that's devouring people at night, but as he investigates, he learns the obvious suspect may not be the culprit, and a deadly conspiracy festers behind the scenes that threatens to engulf the entire town.

Manny Mandrill, a primate ex-detective turned private dick, stumbles upon a hideous crime in this 270+ page novel: a were-creature has ripped a famous musician to shreds. The cops blame the crime on the wrong person, so Manny takes to the streets to set the record straight. Along the way, he teams up with his pals Ernie Elephant (a decapitated flying vampire elephant head), Kip Catfish (a cowboy catfish in an old timey copper diving suit), and Rimsky Rook (the suspect in the case), and he learns that if he can rely on his friends, he just might survive long enough to save the city."

The campaign even has an exclusive print by one of my favorite artists Carlos Trigo.

You might recognized Carlos's name and style has he created our "Cthulhu Attacks" Variant for TFT3.

My wife will be proud of me when she sees me reading Chris's novel.  "Hey, it's Rob reading an actual book and not a friggin' comic - good for him."

It's day one for Mandrill, so you know what to do. Back this baby and cash in on the soon to be expiring Early Bird Specials.

Have a great holiday everyone. talk soon.

rob and the tft team

TFT Online Store now open. Sasquanaut / TFT Promotion ends this week.
about 2 years ago – Wed, Jun 22, 2022 at 02:19:23 PM

Hey There!

Hope you had a great Fathers Day! I for one had a fantastic weekend. Everyone was so damn nice to me - from my kids, to my wife, to random strangers I passed by on the street.  Why can't life be like this all the time? Hope all you Dads out there had a good one as well.  

Backerkit Surveys and Online Store

Although our smash hit Kickstarter ended 10 days ago, I've been pretty busy behind the scenes with all sorts of stuff - mainly setting up the BackerKit surveys and our Online Store.  The BackerKit surveys should go out next week and our online store is now live! With our surveys and store, we'll confirm your shipping address but also provide an additional opportunity to pick up an extra copy of the book or any other Kickstarter Goodies you might have missed. 

We have 5 physical copies left of the Nightmare Theater 2 Horror anthology (160+ pages). We also only have 7 TFT Issue #1 First Printing copies available. It's a wonderful accomplishment to sell out of our first run of Issue #1. Second Printing, here we come - Woohoo!  

Here's the link to our TFT store which just went live.

Urban Fantasy Club Giveaway Ends in 2 Days

Have I mentioned I started a book club? Yep, the TFT team has partnered up with a dozen other creators to form the Urban Fantasy Book Club.  Each month we'll be highlighting one creator and sharing their work, interviews, and other fun bonus material.  I'm honored to be the first featured creator of the Book Club which officially launches at the end of July.  

To get the word out and kick things off we are sponsoring a cool Dr Strange Giveaway. One lucky fan will receive books, toys for the kids, apparel (there's a cool hoodie I'm eyeing) and a few other fun gadgets.  It's free to enter and the contest is running for another 2 days.  Click this link to enter the Giveaway and sign up for the Book Club (You can unsubscribe at any time.)

TFT and Savage Sasquanaut Cross Promotional Giveaway Ending This Week.

Backers of both the TFT and Savage Sasquanaut Kickstarters will receive a bonus 5x7 mini-print of the stunning Variant cover illustrated by Kyle Roberts and Colored by Wes Hartman! writer/creator/colorist of the Savage Sasquanaut!  (Physical print for physical backers. Digital backers will receive Hi-def Wallpaper)

Art Nouveau Variant colored by Wes Hartman

You're already halfway there by backing TFT. There's a week left with Wes's campaign and he is currently sitting at 96% funded, so head over to the page and put Wes over the top and snag this bonus print while you're at it.

Friends of the Turners...

Oneshi Press is back on Kickstarter, and much like the Turner Family, they're hard at working attempting to save the world... by planting one tree per backer. Their project is unique and it launches Thursday June 23rd.

Here's the headline from their page:

TarMucks: Cthulhu Corporate Coffee & Comic

Cthulhu & his kin want you asleep. TarMucks keeps you awake. Coffee, a reusable mug, & comics save the world & plant 1 tree per backer!

Intrigued? I know I am. Head over to the page and click Follow, to be notified and find out what exactly this Kickstarter has in store for us.


And last but not least, Mark Wiesner is back with his hilarious Poison Ivy Gulch.

Poison Ivy Gulch Saddles Up: How The West Was Funny!

Here's some info from his page:

"Poison Ivy Gulch Saddles Up collects the early strips of the rollicking webcomic Poison Ivy Gulch!  Set in a ramshackle frontier town in the 1870s, join in the hilarious exploits of the lovely gambler Lotta Doler, her feisty kid sidekick Ace, the dizzy Mayor Sidewinder and lots more funny Western characters.  This isn't your average Western; think Blazing Saddles and Three Amigos!  In the words of the immortal Billy the Kid, “What in tarnation?!”"

Mark has a few days left and he's sitting at around 50% funded. Let's circle the wagons, come out guns a blazin' and help push Poison Ivy Gulch over the finish line.  

Talk soon,

rob and the tft team

TFT Online Store here.